Updates from your Audubon Society
Palouse Audubon Society Palouse Audubon Society

Hello friends, supporters and members of the Palouse Audubon Society.

After a couple of years of covid and reorganization, we're hoping to provide field trip opportunities and programs in this coming year.

We will post on Facebook as well as get a newsletter announcement as we plan upcoming field trips and programs and hope you'll join us.

Since the fall of 2020, the board voted to put a hold on membership dues for the 2020-2021 year and we have since agreed to continue serving as a non-dues organization.  We will continue to accept your generous donations to help keep our organization afloat and you can use this link if desired: https://palouseaudubon.org/product/1-year-membership/

We hope you will continue to support us and the programming we will provide.  Our hope is to continue education and community through our field trips and programming.

THANK YOU all so much for your patience, your donations, your kind words and for being part of a community of birders, gardeners, and nature enthusiasts.  We are so glad to have you with us.

Paul Schroeder

The Palouse Audubon Society lost a valued member, friend, and former board member when Paul Schroder passed away on July 11, 2023, following a fatal injury suffered in a fall at Wallowa Lake Oregon.

Although he was born and grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., he was drawn to nature early in his life, and followed his interest in biology into his academic career, studying invertebrate and marine biology at St. Peter’s College, the University of Zurich, and earning his PhD from Stanford University. After a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, he accepted a faculty appointment at Washington State University, where he taught and did research for thirty-five years.

During his life, Paul traveled widely in Europe, Africa, South America and Oceania, often in search of birds. He and Alice, his wife, spent two years birding in Australia and presented his adventure to a PAS program. He wrote the entertaining column “Bird of the Month” for The Prairie Owl.

A memorial gathering is planned in Pullman sometime in the spring.

Join! Walks on the Palouse

Join local birders on walks in a variety of habitats and experience the beautiful bird life of our region during Fall migration. Guides will provide tips on finding and identifying birds. Botanical and non-feathered wildlife will also be enjoyed.

Walks are intended for all skill levels and usually cover 1-3 miles and take 1.5-4 hours but can be adjusted to the group’s schedule. All ages are welcome for any walk but those especially suited for kids are marked with *.

Group size is limited and registration is required. We will be in touch to confirm and provide directions to the starting location.



What is a 'raptor run'?  Jeff Fleischer is the project coordinator for the Winter Raptor Survey Project sponsored by the East Cascades Audubon Society chapter based in Bend, Oregon.
The season of survey work is just about to begin and volunteers are being organized in this extensive citizen science project.

Project volunteers are asked to commit to one survey per month during the primary months of December through February, with additional opportunities in November and March. Volunteers can select the day that you want to do the survey based on your own life schedule.  There are specific routes in our region that you follow and count and record all raptors and owls on the route.  
It's a wonderful way to spend the day out birding with friends or alone, whatever you are comfortable with.  
Contact Jeff Fleischer, Project Coordinator, at raptorrunner97321@yahoo.com

We are looking for a specific route in "Pullman SW" and Jeff can provide more information for you on the specifics.




Mark your calendars for October Big Day on October 14.  Big Days are a 24-hour opportunity to celebrate birds all over the world.  Observe from anywhere!  
Participate by reporting on eBird by creating a Cornell Lab account first at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Join the movement!



Save the DATE for this year's Christmas Bird Count with the Palouse Audubon Society.
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Watch for more information on how to participate coming soon.

Once Again!

Show Us Your Wild Side!

time to prepare for another PAS annual photo contest! 

It’s all about appreciating nature and wildlife through photography!  Please Join us for our annual photo contest.  This is your chance to enter your best shots of Palouse wildlife and nature in our unique photo contestWhat better way to convey your impressions of nature than with photosThis contest will challenge you to win over every nature lover’s heart with your nature photos.

The contest is open to all amateur photographers who are interested in the Palouse Audubon SocietyPhotos are to be only from the Palouse region, defined as “a region of the northwestern United States, encompassing parts of southeastern Washington, north central Idaho and parts of northeast OregonMore specifically, Wikipedia describes the Palouse Region as being traditionally defined as the hills and prairies north of the Snake River, which separated it from Walla Walla County, and north of the Clearwater River, which separated it from the Camas Prairie, extending north along the Washington and Idaho border, south of Spokane, centered on the Palouse River

The contest will be open for submission of photos taken during the past year through midnight Pacific Daylight Time July 31, 2024.  A further detailed description and entry rules will be presented in the future.

To whet your appetite, a recent interesting Smithsonian article about photographing birds (Avian America – Bird by Bird –Smithsonian Sept/Oct pages 86-105) focused on how top nature photographers across the country capture a birder’s-eye view of their favorite feathered neighbors.

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